Finished my reading assignment for myself for this month. Actually I started reading this book some months ago, around September in fact, but only got serious with it late last week, and finished it just now. My head's still spinning. I feel like I can't think properly, but I also feel like I'll forget all my thoughts and feelings about the book now, just like how you forget your dreams minutes after you wake up, unless I write them all down. SPOILERS AFTER THIS POINT. Kafka on the Shore has two ongoing plots that seem to parallel, yet seem to have nothing to do, with each other. The odd chapters follow Kafka Tamura, who is described by one of the characters in the book as a "cool, tall, fifteen-year-old, lugging around a backpack and a bunch of obsessions." He starts the story by running away from an unhappy home and his father's Oedipal curse in which it is prophesied that he would kills his father and sleep with his mother and sister. At times, Kafka i...
from the mind of a twit (version 3)