Not to talk about Cory Aquino's passing away (bless her soul), or the recent gimmicks of politicians vying for next year's national elections, or the constant flooding in Manila (that actually worries me a little bit), or even the Bar Exam. Let's talk FANGIRL ♥ ~ I know I said that this would be my writing blog, and yeah, pretty much this is still my writing blog. But also, this is going to be my personal interest blog as well. You know, as opposed to a personal blog. Nothing important. Just random three o' clock ramblings and some fangirling, too. Speaking of which, I'm in fangirl mode right now and I feel like indulging myself. The object of my current fascination is Takenouchi Yutaka , or more particularly the character he plays (Nodate Shinjiro) in Boss . He's soooo fine. Of course, it helps that the actor is YUMMY . I especially love Nodate's interactions with Osawa Eriko, the character played by The Queen's Classroom star, Amami Yuki . I revi...