I woke up way too early today to make much sense. I have never been so tired in my life. Elections 2010 is over...almost over? I have no idea. I have no TV. Internet tells me it's a Noybi victory. As for the local provincial arena, reelectionists Gwen Garcia and Greg Sanchez say hello to their august offices once more. Except for Sanchez, I wouldn't vote any of these candidates. However, it's beside the point now as I never got to vote. WHAT?! Yes, yes. Sue me. I failed to exercise my right and privilege. Not that I don't have a valid reason. I served as part of the legal panel for the Liberal Party and election lawyer for a local municipal candidate. You read me right. Liberal Party. This was a professional engagement. Nothing to do with personal choices at all. Anyway, I didn't register for local Absentee Voting because I thought I could vote, considering that the town I was assigned to was only about fifteen minutes away. As it turned out, not an hour passed ...